Huarui Xun mold frame, production of various
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昌邑What is a three-plate mold holder? What is a standard mold holder?

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昌邑What is a three-plate mold holder? What is a standard mold holder?

Mold frame research and development because of the increase in people's demand for goods, as well as mass production reasons generated, the general mass production needs mold and mold frame, mold frame is also because of its high efficiency, simple use and other advantages by the public love and sought after, the following small series for you to introduce the mold frame in two, three plate mold frame and standard mold frame.

First, what is the three-plate mold frame?

Three plate mold frame is also a fine water mouth mold, it is a double parting surface mold, there are two parting surfaces will mold mold frame split into three parts, compared with the general two plate mold to increase a mold plate, the increase is the gate plate, its scope of application, there is a feature: That is, in the use of products around can not have gate traces, this mold is divided into the use of point gate, this is the precision three plate mold frame, that is, fine water mold.

Second, what is the standard mold frame?

Different product parts need different molds, and the mold structure has a lot of the same structure, so in order to make the mold more efficiently, people began to use some standard mold frame, the standard mold framework has become the skeleton of the mold, as long as the change to a different matching mold, you can form different parts, for the whole mold, there are three parts: Front template, after template and mold, of course, a set of molds is quite complex, here is only to introduce the mold skeleton - standard mold frame.

The so-called standard mold frame is a certain specification of the mold frame used in the mold. The size and thickness of the template are standardized. Reduced processing time. Greatly improve the speed of mold making. Because some of the basic accessories of this mold frame have been installed. After getting the mold frame, just work on his template directly. Although the time is increased after direct processing, the price of this mold is more expensive. The cost is relatively high.

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